Metavision, part of ITV Studios’ Zoo 55, has debuted its first immersive format on the global gaming platform Roblox with an adaptation of the reality TV show Hell’s Kitchen. The venture invites fans of the hit show, produced in 26 countries worldwide, to step into the high-stakes culinary arena of Gordon Ramsay’s kitchen.
In this interactive experience, players join either the Red or Blue team, competing to impress a virtual Chef Ramsay and secure the title of Executive Chef. From the frantic Pre-Service preparations to the intensity of Dinner Service, participants must replicate signature dishes with precision and speed to avoid Ramsay’s infamous wrath. Success brings rewards, but failure is met with the chef’s legendary scorn.
Launched on 19 December 2024, the game has amassed over 18 million visits and draws 450,000 daily active players. The experience has also fostered an online community through Discord, extending engagement beyond gameplay.
As one of Roblox’s first competitive reality show adaptations, Hell’s Kitchen leverages the platform’s 88.9 million daily active users to reach a younger audience and expand the brand’s global appeal. Metavision Managing Director Ashley Lewis claimed the project is a “fresh way to engage with the brand and create culinary adventures,” while Graham Haigh, COO of Zoo 55, described it as a milestone for the company’s immersive gaming ambitions.
The release underscores ITV Studios’ broader strategy to reimagine its intellectual property for digital platforms, following ventures into Fortnite and The Sandbox. With its roots in broadcast and a growing presence in immersive media, Metavision aims to blend entertainment and virtual worlds, creating new opportunities for experiential storytelling.