YouTube a Major Threat to Traditional TV, Warns Evan Shapiro

by | Feb 1, 2024 | News

Evan Shapiro, a media commentator and producer, has stated that YouTube is the most significant TV channel in the world and poses a serious threat to traditional broadcasters.

During this week’s Royal Television Society forum in London, industry experts predicted the future of the screen sector, and Shapiro explained how YouTube is revolutionising the way viewers discover and consume content, changing the game in the process.

Shapiro cited the platform’s presence in living rooms is what differentiates it from other social media apps like TikTok and Facebook. Statistics show that 60% of UK viewers between the ages of four and fifteen watch YouTube regularly on connected TVs. Additionally, parents claim that their children watch YouTube almost every day. Shapiro believes that broadcasters risk losing this generation of viewers forever if they don’t adapt.

Check out Evan’s most recent appearance on the TellyCast podcast.

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